Archive for March, 2009

New Website

March 7, 2009

Just a quick update – I just finished a new website for Fired Up San Clemente (a paying gig!) this week.  Learned a lot in the process.  I used my new Flash skills, and made sure the design elements were mostly contained in my css stylesheet.  I still need to go through validating the site to make sure my tags are all closed properly, and I’d like to clean up my css to remove any unneeded elements.  Also need to add a preloader to my custom flash (I did some slideshows using the default Dreamweaver flash ) so there isn’t a wait.

I should probably submit the site to Google to make sure I haven’t broken any meta tag rules!  This is all behind the scenes stuff – sorry if I bored you.  Take a look and let me know what you think!

Fired Up San Clemente